Unleash the Potential of WhatsApp Marketing for Your E-Commerce Business
Introduction You’ve probably heard all the hype about WhatsApp marketing and how it’s the next big thing. And you’re wondering if it’s worth incorporating into your e-commerce business. The answer is: it depends. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of WhatsApp marketing and help you decide if it’s right for you. What […]
Why You Should Use WhatsApp Marketing for Your Business
Introduction You’ve probably heard about WhatsApp marketing by now. It’s one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, and businesses are starting to use it more and more to reach customers. But why should your business start using WhatsApp marketing? What are the benefits? In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of WhatsApp […]
Jio mart launches its store on Whatsapp. If you are a small business, this can affect you!
Recently Jio mart announced the launch of its online store on WhatsApp. With the release of this information, many significant participants in the e-commerce industry began rethinking their approaches to online sales. Small retailers are also becoming uneasy about Jio Mart’s new strategy because it can potentially steal a large portion of their customers. There […]
Majority of your competitors are using this technology to improve their customer experience. DON’T MISS OUT! take a look at how they’re doing it!
Do you invest a lot in trying to provide customers with the finest experience, yet the results are not what you want? It seems that the strategy you have chosen so far for this is less effective than you had thought. The key differentiator between you and your rivals is the quality of your customer […]
Is your business LOSING Customers? This might be an alarming situation! Let’s find out WHY?
Do you know that “65% of customers said they have changed to a different brand because of a poor experience”*? Customer service is without a doubt the key factor in determining a business’s success. Not responding to queries in time, giving inaccurate information, and speaking in an unprofessional manner can all result in poor customer […]
Tug of War | Voicebot vs IVR
Preface Most of the people in my network are from the generation that has seen customer support evolving from being completely manual to this era of end-to-end automation. And in this journey, a major change that many companies adopted was Interactive Voice Response aka IVR. To save cost and to avoid managing massive staff for […]
How long will your customer wait?
Everyone values their time and no one likes to wait unnecessarily. And because of the same customers like the businesses that values their time. My Personal ExperienceToday’s my friend Vansh’s birthday and I am writing this right after the birthday party. Soon after wishing him a happy birthday in the morning, I decided to book a good […]
Are you a Cyborg?🤔
If your answer is NO, it’s time to rethink. I was listening to Elon Musk saying that “we are already a cyborg” at the 2016 Code Conference but I was not in agreement with him. But now, 5 years later those words make much more sense than ever. To Justify it let me do a simple […]
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Support
I believe we are living in the era of Artificial Intelligence but let’s have a reality check. 💾 Do you still use floppy disks to store data? 📟 Do you still use pagers for the day to day communication? ⏳ Do you still use hourglass to guess time? These questions might sound silly to you […]
🤖Chatbot vs 🧑🏻💻Human Customer Support!
🤖Chatbot vs 🧑🏻💻Human Customer Support! 👋🏻 Do you have a Social Media Manager? If YES…he/she must be responding to messages that are coming to your business and providing excellent customer support. BUT the question is HOW EFFICIENT is a person or a team of people replying to queries on all your Social Media Channels?? Humans are ultimately […]